Latest Corporate Presentations
Dalsvyaz |
[516.2 K] OJSC FETEC: 2004 activity results |
Dalsvyaz |
[1657.3 K] Presentation for Analysts and Investors Group of Brunswick UBS, May 26, 2005 |
Dalsvyaz |
[894 K] Presentation of the Third Quarter 2004 FETEC Financial and Operational Results, November 11, 2004 |
Dalsvyaz |
[1428 K] Vice President of corporate development “FETEC” OJSC (Dalsvyaz) Alexander Zheludkov represent company at the investor meeting organized by Financial Corporation “Uralsib” (NIKoil), October 11, 2004 |
Dalsvyaz |
[1531.9 K] Presentation of “FETEC” OJSC (Dalsvyaz), Investors conference, London, May 19, 2004 |
Dalsvyaz |
[1920 K] Presentation of “FETEC” OJSC (Dalsvyaz) for International Rating Agency Fitch Ratings, London, March 11, 2003 |