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Rosseti Volga

February 20, 2019

Samara DG presented the concept of digital grid transformation in the framework of the Povolzhskiy energy forum

Samara Distribution Grids, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (included in the Rosseti Group), presented the concept of "Digital Transformation 2030", developed by PJSC ROSSETI, within the framework of the Povolzhskiy Energy Forum, which organized at the site of the 25th international specialized exhibition “Energetika”.

The large-scale grid digitalization project includes the creation of a single fully automated infrastructure management system and the modification of all business processes, as well as the use of advanced equipment at the power grid facilities. The Samara branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC has already started work on the introduction of digital transformation technologies. Thus, at present, procedures for the preparation of technical specifications for reconstructed and repaired objects are being carried out, which should include elements of digitalization.

It is planned to install over 21,000 smart metering devices for the organization of both technical and commercial electricity metering in 2019. The automation system for operational dispatching control is being developed to increase the reliability of monitoring and dispatching control of the grid control center of the branch and the Samara Regional Dispatching Office; the electromechanical relay protection is being replaced with microprocessor protection. Also, modernization and expansion of the system for collecting and transmitting information is being carried out for the calculation of monitored parameters, which allow monitoring grid load and predict the occurrence of potential emergency situations.

A regional system  of centralized control of icing and weather conditions is being created, which will greatly help power engineers during the autumn-winter period. Additional installation of modern sensors is planned for remote control of equipment at substations and in package transformer substations. IDGC of Volga, PJSC introduces ways to improve business efficiency with the help of modern technologies - building a digital model of power grids, introducing mobile solutions for managing maintenance personnel (“digital telephone engineer”), creating a system for providing and managing information security. Th

e Competence Center for the organization of modeling of power grid facilities of 35 kV and above began its work to create a unified grid model according to the CIM standard profile of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. All activities implemented under the digital transformation program of PJSC ROSSETI are aimed at improving the quality of power supply and reducing the time to blackout consumers, introducing advanced technologies, equipment and digital solutions into the operation of the power grid complex, meeting not only current, but prospective consumers' needs.




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