On Wednesday, January 24, a meeting on current questions of the design and construction of the 420-450 MW steam-gas power-generating units at Cogeneration Plant-21 (TETs-21), TETs-26, and TETs-27 will take place at OAO Mosenergo. At present, installation of the power boilers is continuing in the new main building of the third power-generating unit at TETs-27. Installation of the main building’s steelwork is continuing at TETs-21.
On Wednesday, January 24, a meeting on implementing the second phase of OAO Mosenergo’s Program of development and technical reequipment will take place concerning technical reequipment and the introduction of steam-gas technologies at TETs-9, TETs-12, and TETs-20.
On Wednesday, January 24, a meeting will be held with representatives of Alstom on the subject of managing construction of the PGU-420 power-generation unit at OAO Mosenergo’s TETs-26.
Construction of new power-generating units and technical reequipment of OAO Mosenergo’s power plants are based on the latest steam-gas cycle technology, which guarantees an efficiency factor of 52-59% (at plants with steam-power units, the efficiency factor is no more than 38%). The highly efficient steam-gas units allow gas savings of up to 25%, while reducing harmful atmospheric emissions by one-third. Commissioning of the first PGU-450 steam-gas power-generating unit at TETs-27 will take place in the fourth quarter of 2007.