Nizhnekamskshina | November 17, 2003 |
"Kama - 208" and "Kama - 213" ara of the highest quality
The All-Russia forum devoted to the World day of quality and the European week of quality took place in Moscow on the 13th – 14th of November. The All-Russia organization of quality, Gosstandart of Russia, Academy of problems of quality, the International association of quality "Sov?s?" and the representatives of the best Russian enterprises and firms took part in the forum.Rewarding of the winners of “the Russian quality” program took place in a solemn atmosphere. The JSC “Nizhnekamskshina” was given the diploma for manufacturing the "Kama - 208 " (185/60 R 14) and "Kama - 213" (205/75 R 15) tires and the rights of using “the Russian quality” mark . |