The Company shareholders are to consider five issues. IDGC of the North-West, JSC is arranging the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 21, 2012 in Saint Petersburg. The Company shareholders are to consider five issues. The first issue on the agenda is that on approval of the annual report, the annual accounting statements, the Company profit and loss statement as well as on allocation of the Company profit and loss following the results of 2011 financial year (including payment of dividend). Additionally, the shareholders are to elect members of the Board of Directors and the Auditing Commission and to approve of Auditor of the Company and the restated Regulations on the Procedure of Convention and Arrangement of Sessions of the Board of Directors of IDGC of the North-West, JSC. One can familiarize oneself with the materials for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders at the official web-site of IDGC of the North-West (Information on Shareholders Meetings). The banner leading to the corresponding part of section “Information for Shareholders and Investors” is located in the upper right-hand part of the home page.