To reconstruct 110/10/6 kV Yuzhnaya substation, power specialists of Central Electrical Grids of Orenburgenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies) will switch the substation from 35 kV to 110 kV. Due to higher voltage, the substation will be able to provide more electric capacity to consumers in the central districts of Orenburg. The reconstruction campaign involves several stages, including the construction of 110 kV overhead cable line at the Yuzhnaya substation, a branch of Orenburg-Pugachi power transmission line. To preserve the appearance of Orenburg historical areas, the line partly runs underground. "The cable was routed in special reinforced concrete troughs and ducts by horizontal directional drilling," explained Aleksandr Sukhodub, Head of Operations Service of 35 kV (and over) power lines, Central Electrical Grids of Orenburgenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC. "The cable branch of the overhead power transmission line runs from the support located near the Orenburg museum across the Ural River over 247 meters." This new line with the total length exceeding 1.5 thousand meters encompasses 12 supports. Power specialists also routed the optic fiber cable to enable communication between the Yuzhnaya substation and dispatching stations. The facility will be commissioned in late November, 2014.