CustomerService Centerof Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC, summed up the results of activities implemented in the first quarter of this year. Over the first three months, 1,128 applications on various issues were submitted to the CSC. In the majority of cases, customers submit requests for technological connection to the power grids of Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC. In Q1 2015, 486 such requests were received. Over the reporting period, 509 agreements (with due account for requests submitted earlier) for technological connection for the total maximum capacity of about 11,170 kW were concluded. In addition to submission of requests for technological connection, clients apply to the center on a variety of other issues related to electrification in rural settlements, execution and approval of documents. For example, 59 applications concerning power supply to socially significant facilities have been submitted over the reporting period. The clients also submit requests concerning electricity meters (repair, installation, replacement, and sealing of meters), quality of customer service, etc. As usual, among the most urgent issues are execution and approval of documents on balance inventory delineation and statements of operational responsibilities delineation (349 requests). It is reminded that in addition to the Customer Service Center in Cheboksary located at prospect I. Yakovleva 4/4 (1st floor), the consumers of the Chuvash Republic may also submit their requests to departments located in Cheboksary (ulitsa Gladkova 13, tel. (8352) 39-95-65), Alatyr (ulitsa Gagarina 19, tel. (83531) 2-97-03) and Kanash (ulitsa Zheleznodorozhnaya 267, tel. (83533) 3-89-63). Moreover, for convenience of customers, requests are also accepted in each district of the power grids and by mail.